Monday, June 19, 2006

Beer Run Tokyo Style

They do this in Gainesville, FL all the time

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Yucs Illustrious History

Man this is a damm good site. A writeup of every season during the yucs dark ages. A must visit for every deprived yucs fan! Heathen fans can only dream of such futility, past superbowls non-withstanding...

Bucco Bruce Lives!!!

What can you say? There is no arguing with perfection!

Here's a link to a fellow yucs fan with no life...

This is cool....

in a really deprived sort of way. Ok lets get started here. Today i woke up and scratched my ass. It felt good so i did it again. Then i had the assinine idea of toying around with a blog. Such are the humble origins of the King Ass Manifesto.